My husband and I got into a disagreement the other day and he said something to me that made me stop dead in my tracks. As my husband likes to put it - I had let Satan get ahold of my tongue. Not something that is new for me and is something I continue to struggle with every day...to keep my speech Godly.
But I digress. What my husband uttered to me during our time of debate was - If you are a follower of God you should act like your life is on video and being broadcast 24/7! Wow! I don't know if that hits you as hard as it hit me, but I was speechless. All of a sudden I felt like a 2 ton weight had hit me square in the chest and a video player on fastforward started playing in my mind of all the things I had done lately that I would be ashamed to have anyone know about let alone see me doing.
After I was sufficiently humbled by the replay of my life over the last few days I was brought to a new realization. That's just how we should all live! Is that not how the disciples and Christ Himself were expected to live? Yeah, sure...easy enough to live like that when you're Christ. Okay...I'm with ya there. Maybe that is dismissable. He was perfect after all and how could we attempt to live out a life like His or even why would we want to because it would be a lesson in frustration?
But you're forgetting...Christ wasn't alone. He had twelve men who dedicately followed Him and were known for their association with Him. Wait. Don't miss it. Did you? Let's reread it...."They were known by their association with the Christ." Every move they made, every word they uttered, every reaction they had to a situation was viewed in the light of the fact that they represented the One they followed. And for many people I'm sure that's the gauge they used to judge whether to even bother dealing with the crowds and the heat and the days and days of walking in order to simply hear the man these men were following preach.
If you were unconvinced of someone's qualifications, of their impact, of the benefit they might have on your life who will you seek to look at? Those that are already around them. If those that are already intimately familiar with the individual are stressed, angry, downhearted, impatient...then why would you seek out a relationship with that person let alone sacrifice to have it?
Now the disciples weren't perfect. They weren't even good some of the time. They got angry with people. They got impatient with the crowds. They doubted their Savior time and time again. However, they had something that these other people wanted. They had faith.
What if our life was the only advertisement for Christ someone had? Instead of a whole life, if someone took just today...just one day out of your life...would they come away from viewing your day with a thirst for what you have? Would they want to know your God? Would they see someone who was whole-heartedly dedicated to God or to the world? Would they see someone who made prayer a priority or someone who recited a memorized prayer from childhood and lef their relationship with God at that. Would they finish watching your day and your interactions with those you came into contact that day and know who you serve or would they think they are satisfied with the life they have and don't "need" God?
As we interact with those around us and those who are brought across our path today let us keep in the forefront of our mind what kind of legacy we will leave if this day is the only day someone sees of our life. If that one interaction you have with that coworker or neighbor or family member...if that's the only time you speak to them will the interaction you have with them be a witness for God or Satan?
Because that's the simple truth - you can't serve them both and you can't serve no one. You are either furthuring God's Kingdom or Satan's. Don't fool yourself into thinking if you say nothing out of fear or simple laziness that you aren't doing any harm. Silence is a tool Satan uses to paralyze believers. Use your words and use them to bring people to God for the first time, bring people back to God, and lift up those who are already walking His path for them!